- Is such a thing possible? 这种事可能吗?
- There is such a thing in agitation. 有这么一件事正在考虑。
- "But is such a thing possible?""I believe so." “可是这样的事情可能吗?”“我相信是可能的。”
- But there is such a thing as escapism for adults. 其实有一种东西是供成人逃避现实用的。
- It is not actually settled, but there is such a thing in agitation. 还没有确定,不过在酝酿。
- At first people refused to believe such a thing possible. 一开始人们都不肯相信这样的事是可能的。
- At first people had refused to believe such a thing possible. 开始; 人们拒绝相信这样一件事.
- That is why there is such a thing as "uneconomic growth". 所以这样就出现了“非经济增长” 这么一说。
- Glutamic acid amide only know the original is such a thing. 才了解麸醯胺酸原来是这样的一个东西。
- He is the last man to do such a thing. 他绝不可能会做这种事。
- It is stupid to do such a thing. 做这种事真蠢。
- He is such a good egg that everyone liked him. 他是一个大好人,个个都喜欢他。
- I believe there is such a thing as "physicist way of thinking". 我相信存在“物理学家的思维方式”这种东西。
- He is such a men as chops about. 他就是这样一个没长性的人。
- Her husband is such a bear that nobody likes him. 她丈夫很粗暴,没人喜欢他。
- It is hardly conceivable (to me) that she should do such a thing. (我)简直难以想像她会干这种事。
- If there is such a thing as beauty, we need to be able to recognize it. 如果有叫做美的那种东西,我们需要能够识别它。
- He is such a couch potato on weekends. 他一到周末就成天看电视看个不停。
- I can hardly conceive of your doing such a thing. 我很难想象你会做出这种事情。
- He is such a courageous man that he does not fear death at all. 他是一个非常勇敢的人,所以一点也不怕死。